
Despite living in a seat of international power, DC workers don't have much control over their commutes. The District is notoriously congested, even with a world-class transit system in Metro.


What if there were a way to give something back? Since Metro introduced wi-fi as part of system-wide station upgrades, what if the Washington Post used it to freely distribute its online edition?

In 2018, WMATA updated several of its high-traffic stations with WiFi, but few riders knew about the rollout. And those who did, were not any more likely to ride Metro. Meanwhile, the city's most popular newspaper—a must-read for DC workers and policy wonks—is inaccessible to the masses because it exists behind a paywall.

To promote Metro and the Washington Post, the newspaper would push exclusive content to riders only when they connected to WMATA's wi-fi. Once connected, people could bypass the Post's paywall. The more someone rode Metro, the more news they’d get. When you increase the overall rider experience, you increase your ridership.

The campaign includes a limited-edition WaPo pass.